
Sensory Explosion

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been out on the street. It really has. Hard to believe isn’t it? Hunkering down at home has become the norm for me. After incredulity and a kind of grieving process for normality, acceptance […]



One bright summer morning I decide to take my bike and venture down towards the beach. At first I start off slowly, my legs feeling heavy, but soon I pick up speed as I spin down the hill, the wind […]


The Best Humor of CV19…

The title of this page may seem oxymoronic–and maybe it is– both oxymoronic AND moronic. Before I go any further, I want to be clear–in no way is this focus on humor meant to distract from the very real problems […]


Good News Bad News: Day 17

This morning I really wanted to dispatch some good news. Because as of yesterday, the number of new cases in Spain seemed to be leveling off. This would indicate that just past two weeks into lockdown, we were approaching the […]


Todos a Casa: Day 1

Today, Spain went into lockdown. Sort of. We woke up to a gorgeous blue sky, rare around these parts–San Sebastian is in the humid north where it rains a lot, and I mean A LOT.  In a state of disbelief, […]