
Terrace Birds Part 2

A few more drawings of the lovely birds in my terrace… All drawings are coloured pencil and ink. Here is that pigeon I have to start on! (All originals and prints are available through author’s website. She is also happy to […]


Lockdown Reading

One of the jobs I had written on my long list of things to do during the lockdown was to sort through my bookshelves and try to put my books in some kind of alphabetical order. Nearly a month later […]


Terrace Birds

As I sit drinking my morning coffee I am lucky to be able to watch birds come into my terrace to feed on bread crumbs we put out for them. They are your regular garden birds but all so pretty […]


More Chillida: Cube Stone Metal

These three Chillida Leku Sculpture illustrations were drawn from photos I took on a visit to this wonderful museum back in the summer of last year. I have invented the titles for each one as I cannot remember them and […]


Cantabrian Sea Life

I wanted to draw a series of Cantabrian fish. The local ones that are so popular in the Donosti Aquarium (and also in the restaurants!). My first and probably favourite is the humble Anchovy, or not quite so humble as […]


Last Easter

I’ve just received a lovely message from my niece in the UK wishing me a Happy Easter, and we reminded each other of how we had been together this time last year. In the current situation, I would have probably […]